cd (change directory) command is used to change the current working directory in Linux.

Current working directory: Current working directory is also known as present working directory. It is a directory (folder) where the

Use the pwd command to know current working directory / present working directory.


Syntax for cd command

cd [option] directory_name

change from current working directory to a new directory

cd command can be used to change from current working directory to a specific directory

cd File_name

cd filename command in linux

Change to the parent directory

cd command can be used to change the current working directory to parent directory. To change from current working directory to parent directory use the following command.

cd ..

cd .. command in linux

Change to root directory

cd command can be used to change to root directory from current working directory. To change to root directory from current working directory use the following command.

cd /

cd / command for root folder

Change to home directory

cd command can be used to change to home directory from current working directory. To change to home directory from current working directory use the following command.

cd ~



cd command for home folder

cd dir1/dir2

cd directory1 directory 2 for multiple directory

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