
Linux cat Command With Examples

Linux cat Command With Examples

cat (short for concatenate) command is one of the most frequently used commands in Linux. It is used to view the content of a file, create single or multiple files, copy content from one file to another and concatenate files. Most Common Use of cat Command Create a new file Read file Display file Modify file

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who command in Linux Ubuntu

who Command in Linux / Ubuntu

who command used to displays the information about logged-in users, when the system has booted last time on Linux operating system. Syntax: who [options] [filename] who Command in Linux with Examples 1.To display the information (login name) about current logged-in users, use who command in terminal. By default who command displays the following information about

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wall command in Linux Ubuntu

wall command in Linux / Ubuntu

wall command is used to broadcast the messages or the contents of a file to all the currently logged-in users on the terminals in the Linux system. The message can be typed on the terminal or the contents of a file. When superuser or root user broadcast the messages, all users receive the messages. In

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nmap command in Linux Ubuntu

nmap command in Linux / Ubuntu

nmap command also known as Network Mapper is used for network exploration and security auditing. Syntax for Nmap:- nmap Option Target Use of nmap command Network exploration and security auditing Search for network connectivity issues, and scan for open ports Detect the Mac address, OS type Installing nmap Earlier Nmap was released only for Linux.

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