While upgrading your computer’s software or installing any new software using the command line in Linux you may get pop-ups like Daemons using outdated libraries Which services should be restarted? Till now I have had such issues with two different systems. I have shown it below.

First Time
Daemons using outdated libraries
Second Time

Use the following command in the command Line (Terminal). You will be able to fix such Issues.

Daemons using outdated libraries Which services should be restarted?

Install needrestart

By default, needrestart is already installed in Ubuntu. You can install needrestart using the command sudo apt install needrestart

sudo apt install needrestart

Display all services should be restarted

Now, find out which services should be restarted. Using the command sudo needrestart -b to find out which services should be restarted.

sudo needrestart -b

Inspect and Restart

Now inspect and restart the services should restart using the command written below.

sudo needrestart -u NeedRestart::UI::stdio -r l
sudo needrestart -u NeedRestart::UI::stdio -r a

Reboot your computer

Reboot your computer using the command reboot or from GUI


After rebooting your computer, Again find out which services need to restart. Use the command sudo needrestart -b to find out, which services need to restart.

sudo needrestart -b

Inspect the services that should be restarted, use the below command to complete this step.

sudo needrestart -u NeedRestart::UI::stdio -r l

Daemons using outdated libraries which services need to be restarted

In this tutorial, you have learned to fix the issue,  Daemons using outdated libraries, Which services should be restarted? The above command should be enough to fix such an issue. Here is the table to understand the above-used commands.

Command Description
sudo apt install needrestart Install needrestart service in ubuntu
sudo needrestart -b Display what needs to be restarted in machine readable format
sudo needrestart -u NeedRestart::UI::stdio -r l Display what needs to be restarted in human-readable format
sudo needrestart -u NeedRestart::UI::stdio -r a Restart services
reboot reboot your computer


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