Gate Question Bank 2023

1 / 4

We reached the station late, and _______ missed the train.

2 / 4

Kind : _______ : : Often : Frequently

(By word meaning)

3 / 4

A series of natural numbers 𝐹1, 𝐹2, 𝐹3, 𝐹4, 𝐹5, 𝐹6, 𝐹7, … obeys 𝐹𝑛+1 = 𝐹𝑛 + 𝐹𝑛−1 for all integers 𝑛 ≥ 2 . If 𝐹6 = 37, and 𝐹7 = 60, then what is 𝐹1 ?

4 / 4

A survey for a certain year found that 90% of pregnant women received medical care at least once before giving birth. Of these women, 60% received medical care from doctors, while 40% received medical care from other healthcare providers.

Given this information, which one of the following statements can be inferred with certainty?

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